Do you want to learn how to do a PRESS to HANDSTAND?
You need to pay attention to every possible detail
when it comes to learning press to handstand.
It requires a systematic step by step approach. Understanding every part of the movement is a must, so that you know how to train for it.
Learning a PRESS to HANDSTAND can be really frustrating, especially if you don't know the right exercises for your current strength and flexibility level.
But achieving a press to handstand truly is one of the most rewarding achievements.
So, I want to help you achieve your press to handstand as fast as possible without spending too much of your time ...
That's why I've prepared a 1 HOUR long training, where I will guide you through:
- effective warm up for your whole body,
- special exercises for stretching and strengthening your wrists,
- mobility and flexibility exercises needed for press,
- activation of your core and shoulder muscles,
- explaining the whole press movement step by step,
- all progressions included (even for a complete beginner)
- example of a training, you will learn how to combine the exercises into a super effective routine.
- BONUS follow along session (without long exercise explanations, only training)
This PRESS to HANDSTAND TRAINING is suitable for everyone who:
- Is a complete beginner who doesn't know how to start training for press to handstand.
- Already understands the press to handstand movement, but doesn't know which exercises to use for their current level and in what combination.
Join me on this Press to Handstand training now!
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